We're celebrating the international day of love in the most romantic way possible.
That's right, if your life is lacking emoji, join us in growing your own!
The Hot Damn! "Grow Your Own Aubergine Kit" comes complete with all the essentials
100 "extra long" aubergine seeds, googly eyes to bring your purple creations to life, a limited edition plectrum (just cos) AND stickers to congratulate yourself on your achievements! And YES, we will be offering a prize for the best effort (to be judged at harvest time aka August).
Have we lost the plot? Maybe. 🤪 Happy Valentine's day to one and all! ♥️🙌
We don't like ya, we love ya lots! 😘
INTERESTED? 😉 Click 👉HERE👈 #TheHotDamn #GrowYourOwnAubergine #ValentinesSpecial